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Commemoration of Ali Emîrî Effendi on the Centennial of His Death and Divânu Lügati't Türk In its 950th Year Program was Organized

Commemoration of Ali Emîrî Effendi on the Centennial of His Death and Divânu Lügati’t Türk (Compendium of the Languages of the Turks) In its 950th Year Program was organized at People’s Manuscript Library. Speakers at the program covered various aspects of Ali Emîrî Effendi.

24 January 2024
Commemoration of Ali Emîrî Effendi on the Centennial of His Death and Divânu Lügati t Türk In its 950th Year Program was Organized

Ali Emîrî Effendi who found the only original copy of work titled "Divânu Lügati't-Türk" was commemorated at People’s Manuscript Library in the centennial of his death. Following the commemoration meeting organized at grave of Ali Emîrî Effendi at burial area inside Fatih Mosque, exhibition was opened. Opening remarks were made by People’s Manuscript Library Manager Melek Gençboyacı and Chairman of Türkiye Manuscript Works, Prof. Ferruh Özpilavcı. Chairman of UNESCO Türkiye National Committee, Prof. M. Öcal Oğuz gave the opening conference. In the first session titled “Ali Emîrî Effendi in the Centennial of His Death” of the conference with two sessions, Melek Gençboyacı, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa Uğurlu Arslan, Assoc. Prof. Raşit Gündoğdu and Prof. Sadık Yazar gave speeches. In the second session titled “Divânu Lugâti’t-Türk in Its 950th Year” Melek Gençboyacı, Prof. Mustafa S. Kaçalin, and Prof. Mehmet Ölmez gave speeches.

Ali Emîrî Effendi served in various states of the Ottoman State for thirty years during which he collected finely selected books and donated a large book collection to the state. He established “People’s Library” at Feyzullah Effendi Madrasah, assuming management of the library until the end of his life. He also wrote many biographies and collections of biographies, republished some old works with annotations titled "Nevâdir-i Eslâf". The program that discussed Ali Emîrî Effendi in various aspects collected great attention of the participants.

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